Ken Buch
Ken Buch, brings more than three decades of experience working with leaders and teams in the telecommunications, heavy trucking, banking, and consulting industries. He has worked within nonprofits, union environments in private and public sectors to implement new strategies for leaders to meet business objectives. Ken serves as a leadership and executive coach, organizational development consultant and facilitator. His interest in team development evolved from decades of transformational team development work.
Ken collaborates with clients to meet their expressed needs with flexibility, open dialogue and accommodations to elevate client experiences. As an experienced facilitator, Ken offers expertise in a multitude of topics – crucial skills in communication, interpersonal skills, leadership coaching, team building, adaptability, group process, briefing and presentation skills, leading change, 360 degree assessments and feedback, MBTI, managing stress in the workplace, group facilitation, and emotional intelligence.
Ken began his career with Mack Trucks, Inc. where he served as a national award winning facilitator recognized for leading a number of programs to manage successful major change initiatives. He moved into telecommunications with AT&T Broadband and Comcast Communications serving as a Regional Operations trainer focused on foundational skill development for field technicians and call center staff to improve customer service and field efficiency. Ken also worked with senior executives to improve leadership presence and efficiency. The next career move was in banking industry as a senior human resources officer, internal management and leadership consultant and faculty member of two prestigious leadership and management development programs for Chevy Chase Bank. Moving from an internally focused business partner to external consultant with Management Concepts, Ken built legendary client relationships with over 45 federal government agencies through executive coaching, customized team building and facilitation.
Ken has authored blogs, articles and white papers for publication in The Public Manager, Training Magazine, and ASTD’s T+D Magazine. Ken earned his Bachelor of Science in Advertising Design from the University of Maryland and a Master of Science from Johns Hopkins University in Organizational Development. He is a graduate of the Georgetown Leadership Coaching Program and of the Middlesex University, London UK Post Graduate Certificate in the Neuroscience of Leadership. He is a Fellow at Johns Hopkins University Fellow in the Management of Change. Ken holds the following professional designations, certifications and memberships.
Credentials include:
- Development Dimensions Incorporated and Achieve Global Leadership and Stellar Service facilitator
- Lominger Leadership Architect Suite
- Certified PCC with the International Coach Federation-Professional Certified Coach credential
- Certified Practitioner for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®
- Certified Practitioner for Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior
- Extensive client work using the following instruments:
- Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument
- Personal Profile System (DiSC)
- Envisia Emotional Intelligence 360 Degree Assessment and Leadership 360 Degree Assessment
- Memberships include:
- Chesapeake Bay Organization Development Network
- Neuro-Leadership Institute
- International Coach Federation | DC Metro Chapter | Maryland Chapter