Victoria Arellano-Pappas
Victoria Arellano-Pappas
Victoria Arellano-Pappas is the Project Manager of Collaborative Thinking, LLC and a Health & Wellness Coach who has studied and endeavored in many interests within the fields of wellness, science and customer service, for the last 13 years. Victoria has a keen sense of emotional intelligence, is very detail-oriented and skilled in problem-solving. She is able to effectively apply these abilities in her communications with clients in purposeful measures toward their support and guidance.
As the Collaborative Thinking Project Manager, Victoria’s role is multifaceted. She supports planning, organizing, and directing the completion of coaching engagements and specific projects in a timely manner. A very important piece in this job is the ability to identify potential risks and to navigate challenges that may arise. Victoria’s warm approach, good listening and communication skills have influenced positively the internal endeavors and workflow of Collaborative Thinking.
As a Wellness Coach, Victoria is committed to the specialty of healing and wellness and helps her clients find ways to cleanse their bodies, minds and souls to make room for new patterns. Her philosophy of work is rooted by concepts of nature and developed by practicing the art of being present and by remembering our natural patterns as humans. The mere act of being aware of our own humanness and of being curious unlock endless opportunities. Wellness will only surface at the attempt and integration of new habits. Wellness is a consequence of awareness, not a consequence of perfection.
Victoria’s current position of Project Manager working with Collaborative Thinking not only compliments her chosen career as a Wellness Coach but represents a very exciting turning point for her as she capably and uniquely transitions from the undergraduate degree that she received in 2017 in Veterinary Medicine from Cayetano Heredia University when she was living in her country of origin, Peru.
Victoria also works in the greenhouse section of the Merrifield Garden Center as a part-time houseplant caretaker and salesperson. This job is not only very fun but keeps her close to and updated in plant care and gardening, interests that complement the career of Health & Wellness. Previously to this job, Victoria worked for two years for Hopewell and Bell Nursery gaining experience as a plant caregiver and salesperson. During the same timeframe, thanks to her fluency in Spanish and English, Victoria worked as a Medical Interpreter Contractor for Liberty Language Services and Comprehensive Language Access Solutions (CLAS) facilitating Spanish-English interpretation services in the medical field including in the Emergency Room. This challenging but extraordinarily giving experience as an interpreter taught Victoria about customer service and the uniquely astounding power of effective communication.
Victoria graduated from the Georgetown University Health & Wellness Coaching Certification Program in Spring 2024 and from the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Herbal Studies Program at MUIH (Maryland University of Integrative Health) in Spring 2023.